We continually seek new friends and collaborators to bolster our mission of safeguarding dark skies and mitigating light pollution. Below, you'll find a list of our esteemed partners and friends with whom we collaborate closely, supporting each other's efforts in this realm.
Structural partners
DarkSky International restores the nighttime environment and protects communities from the harmful effects of light pollution through outreach, advocacy, and conservation.
Located in Mayo, Ireland's inaugural International Dark Sky Park boasts some of the globe's most unblemished and dim skies.
Raising awareness of light pollution in Ireland.
The Night of the Night is an annual event organized by the Nature and Environment Federations. During the Night of the Night, events are organized in the dark throughout the Netherlands.
PLAN-B EU Horizon project - The Path Towards Addressing Adverse Impacts of Light and Noise Pollution on Terrestrial Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Grant agreement 101135308).
The Association for Astronomy, Meteorology, Geophysics and Related Sciences, abbreviated VVS, was founded in Ghent in 1944 for the benefit of amateur astronomers in Flanders. Over the years, the VVS has grown into the astronomy forum in Flanders. Today the VVS has approximately 2000 members.
In the I International Starlight Conference (April 2007) promoted by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, born the principles and recommendations contained in the "Declaration in Defense of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight" (Declaration of La Palma or Starlight Declaration). After this conference, the Starlight Foundation is created as the entity responsible for the development and promotion of the Declaration of La Palma.
Bond Beter Leefmilieu unites nature and environmental organizations and strengthens the voice of sustainable leaders in Flanders. Together we initiate and stimulate the transition to a society with a fully renewable, circular economy.
Natuurpunt (Flanders) The aim of Natuurpunt is, together with Natagora, the second Belgian BirdLife Partner, to protect the remaining nature in Belgium through buying and managing land, protecting species, running awareness programs for a general and specific public and lobbying local and regional governments.
The Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB) is Germany’s largest and one of the leading international research centres for freshwaters. Our vision is the understanding of all fundamental processes in freshwaters and their communities, including their biodiversity, ecosystem services and responses to global change.
Buglife is the only organisation in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates. We’re actively working to save our rarest little animals, everything from bees to beetles, worms to woodlice and jumping spiders to jellyfish.
The Zoological Lighting Institute (ZLI) supports the sciences of light and life through the arts for animal welfare and wildlife conservation. This work explores important aspects of light for animals. It is a critical but under-appreciated area of research for animal welfare, wildlife conservation, agricultural productivity, and medicine.
Vespertilio VZW is an association that focuses on the study of bats in all its aspects. Having fun with their hobby is central and targeted protection by gathering knowledge is their goal. They like to share this knowledge in the form of education and awareness.
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