Explore our informative page to deepen your understanding of light pollution, encompassing its diverse forms, sources, and adverse impacts. Delve into curated resources that will equip you with invaluable insights into this pressing environmental issue, empowering you to make informed decisions and take meaningful action towards mitigating its effects.
what is light pollution?
Light pollution is an environmental problem caused by increased, unwanted and misdirected artificial light at night (ALAN). Light pollution has different forms and can be caused by various sources.

Light pollution forms:
  • Light clutter - bright and excessive groupings of light sources
  • Sky glow - brightening of the night sky over inhabited areas
  • Light trespass - light falling where it is not intended or needed
  • Glare - excessive brightness which causes visual discomfort

Well-known sources of light pollution:
1. Outdoor lighting installations (street lights, road lighting, advertisements, security lights, floodlights, others)
2. Indoor lighting installations
3. Satellites
light pollution impacts
Light pollution is a concern of many fronts. Increased nighttime illumination impacts our environment, health, and society in various ways. Firstly, it disrupts ecosystems by interfering with the natural behaviours of animals and plants, affecting their breeding, foraging, and migration patterns. Additionally, excessive artificial light at night can disturb the circadian rhythms of humans and wildlife, leading to sleep disturbances, stress, and other health problems. Furthermore, light pollution obscures the stars and celestial objects in the night sky, diminishing our connection to the cosmos and depriving us of the beauty of a starry night. Overall, addressing light pollution is essential for preserving biodiversity, promoting human well-being, and restoring our connection to the natural world.
Light pollution is a serious issue that has significant impacts on public safety and road conditions. Over-illumination can decrease traffic safety and increase the risk of road injuries. Another impact of light pollution is on public safety. Brightly lit areas can attract criminal activity, as they provide cover for criminals to operate under. Additionally, poorly designed lighting can cast shadows that make it easier for criminals to hide from view.
Light pollution affects circadian rhythms, which are the body's internal clock that regulates sleep and wakefulness. Exposure to bright light at night can disrupt the circadian rhythm and lead to insomnia, which in turn increases the risk of depression and other mental illnesses. Exposure to bright light at night can increase the risk of developing obesity, diabetes, cancer, and other diseases.
Light pollution harms the environment and biodiversity. Artificial light disrupts the natural behaviours of wildlife and ecosystems. One significant impact is biodiversity loss as many species rely on darkness for hunting, breeding, and migration. Bright lights can cause disorientation in sea turtles, leading to dehydration or predation. Birds become disoriented by city lights resulting in collisions with obstacles that lead to injury or death.
The impact of light pollution on astronomy is significant. The brightness of the night sky makes it difficult to see fainter objects such as galaxies and nebulae. Astronomers must travel to remote locations or use special filters to block out unwanted light.
Light pollution is a major contributor to the increase in energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The excessive use of light leads to a significant energy waste, which increases carbon emissions and contributes to climate change. According to research, light pollution accounts for about 6% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing light pollution is crucial for mitigating climate change.
How to reduce light pollution?
Reducing light pollution is crucial for protecting our environment, promoting human health, and preserving the beauty of the night sky.
Here are some effective measures to help mitigate light pollution:
Other useful sources
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