Living Night NGO
is an association with the aim of protecting dark skies for the sake of the environment, biodiversity, human health and other dimensions in Belgium and beyond.
About us
The story of Leve(n)de Nacht vzw begins with the establishment of Preventie Lichthinder vzw.

Preventie Lichthinder vzw emerged as an association with the primary goal of protecting the environment, particularly in terms of preventing, shielding against, and managing light nuisance and pollution, all within the framework of sustainable development.

Originating from the Working Group on Light Nuisance within the VVS, this group garnered widespread support from various municipalities seeking assistance in mitigating light nuisance and pollution to preserve astronomical pursuits. Recognizing the need to undertake activities extending beyond the objectives of the Astronomy Association, members of the Working Group, in consultation with the VVS board and Bond Beter Leefmilieu Vlaanderen vzw, resolved to establish a new association.

Leve(n)de Nacht vzw stands as the fresh and robust successor to Preventie Lichthinder vzw, championing the preservation of the nocturnal environment and combatting the detrimental effects of light pollution. Aligned with the objectives of its predecessor, Leve(n)de Nacht is dedicated to raising awareness, conducting research, providing consultancy services, and offering training initiatives.

As an organisation, Leve(n)de Nacht aspires to cultivate a hub of expertise encompassing all aspects of environmental conservation and lighting practices. Collaboration with fellow organisations and authorities is pivotal to its mission. While its primary focus lies within Flanders (Belgium), the organisation envisages leveraging international partnerships and networks to broaden its knowledge and proficiency.

From 2024 Leve(n)de Nacht serves as a DarkSky International Chapter in Belgium.

At Leve(n)de Nacht, we are committed to restoring and preserving the sanctity of the nighttime environment for the benefit of all. Through our own initiatives and collaborative efforts with partners, we take decisive action to combat light pollution and promote the coexistence of human activities and nature during the nocturnal hours.

With our unparalleled expertise, we strive to raise awareness of the adverse effects of light pollution among authorities, organisations, and the wider public. We also provide consultancy and education on artificial light at night (ALAN) applications. By fostering understanding and engagement, we aim to catalyse positive change and restore the balance between artificial lighting and the natural environment.

Together, we work towards bringing back the beauty of the night sky to Belgium and beyond.

What is light pollution?

Learn more about light pollution, its forms, sources and impacts on the environment, human health, safety and more.
Upcoming Events
Latest News
Countdown to the darkest night of the year
Night of Darkness | Saturday, October 12, 2024
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More partners and collaborators can be found on our Partners page. If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us.